Bollam Chandrakala, a 33-year-old woman from Nalgonda, always had a passion for entrepreneurship. After completing her nursing degree, she worked as a teacher in a government school, but she felt that she wasn’t living up to her full potential. She had a dream of starting her own business, and it was the real estate industry that caught her attention. But, she had no idea where to start until she discovered the ffreedom app.
The ffreedom app’s “To Empower Every Individual to Earn a Livelihood” motto resonated deeply with Chandrakala. She took the real estate courses offered by the app and learned about the eligibility requirements for becoming a licensed broker, customer and networking skills, income, career options, top recruitment agencies, online presence, and marketing, as well as location, capital requirements, finance, account management, and the challenges that come with running a business.
With the knowledge she gained from the app, Chandrakala took a leap of faith and started her own real estate agency. She struggled initially, but she used the app’s teachings on customer interaction and was soon making progress. Today, her agency is flourishing, and she earns Rs. 1 lakh per month, with many satisfied clients to her name.
Chandrakala’s story is inspiring because it shows how someone can start from scratch and build a successful business with the right mindset and tools. She had the dream of starting her own business, but it was the our app that gave her the knowledge and confidence to pursue her goals.
The real estate industry is highly competitive, but Chandrakala’s success story shows that with the right approach, anyone can make a name for themselves. Her agency stands out because of her attention to detail, strong work ethic, and ability to connect with clients on a personal level.
The real estate business is about more than just buying and selling properties. It’s about building relationships, providing value, and making a positive impact on people’s lives. Chandrakala’s agency embodies all of these qualities, and it’s why she has become such a respected figure in the industry.
In conclusion, Bollam Chandrakala’s story is a testament to the power of education and having the right tools to achieve your goals. Her success in the real estate industry shows that with hard work, dedication, and the right mindset, anyone can build a successful business. The ffreedom app played a role in her success, but ultimately, it was Chandrakala’s determination and passion that made her business a reality.