Heap high the farmer’s wintry hoard!
Heap high the golden corn!
No richer gift has Autumn poured
From out her lavish horn!”
-John Greenleaf Whittier
The more we think about farmers, the more we run out of words. And why not? As they have proven time and time again, the nation would not be what it is without them. Farmers’ efforts are the reason that the agricultural industry is flourishing in every country.
Perhaps, farmers play a crucial role in countries like India where agriculture is the foundation of the economy. The economy of the country is significantly influenced by the agricultural sector. Without the effort and commitment of farmers, it would not be feasible. Farmers raise every variety of cereals, legumes, fruit, and more.
The 23rd of December marks the day when we honor our heroes – the farmers of our country. To honor and recognize farmers as the foundation of this nation, this day is celebrated as National Farmer’s Day or Kisan Diwas. It was selected as a day of remembrance for Choudhary Charan Singh, India’s fifth prime minister. National Farmer’s Day is annually observed in states with active agricultural populations, including Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh.
On National Farmers Day, several celebrations and events are held across the nation to recognize and commemorate the accomplishments of farmers. These could include conferences, workshops, and seminars devoted to farming and agricultural-related topics. National Farmers Day is a great opportunity for many organizations and schools to spread the word about the value of agriculture and the contribution that farmers make to society.

Significance of Farmers Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Below are some of the ways which tell the significance of our farmers that has been and will be irrespective of time.
- Food security: Farmers grow the crops that provide the vast majority of the food we eat, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and livestock. They also play a key role in ensuring food safety and quality, through practices like using sustainable agriculture techniques and implementing food safety measures.
- Economic stability: Farming is a significant contributor to the global economy, providing jobs and income for millions of people around the world. In many rural communities, farming is the main source of employment and plays a crucial role in supporting local economies.
- Environmental stewardship: Farmers play a crucial role in preserving and protecting natural resources, such as soil and water. They use sustainable agriculture practices to minimize the impact of farming on the environment, while also conserving resources for future generations.
- Cultural heritage: Farming has a long and rich history, and many farmers are custodians of cultural traditions and local knowledge. These traditions and knowledge are passed down from generation to generation, helping to preserve cultural identity and diversity.
The Actual Condition of Indian Farmers
India is a country that is well-known throughout the world thanks to its thriving agriculture sector. The farmers in our country deserve all the credit for this respect from the rest of the world. Farmers are the ones that work so hard to establish our country as a leader in agriculture, but they also experience hardship and live in poverty.
The financial fragility of Indian farmers is a very sad reality. They hardly ever receive two meals. We’ve all heard stories of farmers who committed suicide as a result of financial difficulties. For any major undertakings, such as their children’s weddings or the purchase of farming seeds, they must obtain loans and cash from banks and money lenders. They spend their entire lives paying off their debts and loans. It is quite difficult to see farmers in such a state when they deserve to be respected members of our community. The government must make sure that farmers receive all the benefits they are due.

How can the farmers’ lives get better?
By expanding investment, enhancing farm practices, enhancing rural infrastructure, and delivering loans, technology, and other inputs, the government has taken many initiatives to rejuvenate the agricultural sector and improve the conditions of the farming community on a sustainable basis. Decentralized implementation of various programs and plans for the development of the agricultural sector gives State Governments the freedom to create and carry out projects that are suitable for their particular needs.
Some other ways to improve the farmers’ lives include:
- Increasing market, Technology, and Financing Access with the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
We need PPPs that are aimed at providing farmers with access to crucial data, methodologies, and cutting-edge technology to assist them in areas like crop rotation, weather patterns, fertilizer use, and switching to organic farming.
The extraordinary advancements in the cereal production sector demonstrate the power of biotechnology. PPPs can assist in reproducing this accomplishment in critical sectors like import-intensive beans and oil seeds.
- Increasing the adaptability of farmers to environmental shocks
The agricultural sector in India is frequently affected by extreme events like flooding and droughts. PPPs that safeguard the agricultural sector from the whims of nature can save lives. Such actions can genuinely save lives in a nation where farmer suicides are rampant. PPPs that assist farmers in reducing risk through insurance and assisting the agriculture industry in coping with weather shocks can be a huge assistance.
Final words
The foundation of our country is farming. They put forth a lot of effort during their life to provide food for everyone living in the country. In India, the agricultural sector provides a living for roughly two-thirds of the people. Celebrating farmers’ significance should always involve initiatives that would improve the standards of living for every farmer.
By expanding investment, enhancing farm practices, and rural infrastructure, and the provision of loans, technology, and other inputs, the government has taken several efforts to rejuvenate the agricultural sector and improve the conditions of the farming community on a sustainable basis. Thereby, expecting many other opportunities for their growth and the well-being of our farmers as a society. Moreover, learn more about farmers, different farming methods and businesses from the ffreedom app. The farming courses page of the official website provides a vast array of information about the same.