There is a very famous saying that goes- “The best way to get people to think outside the box is not to create the box in the first place.” even though this is easier said than done, one person from Karnataka proved this quote correct.
Tammaray is an electrical engineer, who initially had no plans of joining the family business of farming even after being interested in it, yet life had other plans for him. After working as an engineer for 3 years, he was extremely dissatisfied with his situation and wanted to do something to change it. Which is when he was met with the idea of Dragonfruit farming.
Now several years later he is happy and content with his job profile and is much happier.
How it started
Tammaray got the idea of Dragon fruit farming when he saw it being sold in the market once, after which he went back home and started his own research because he felt that the demand for such kind of exotic fruit is significantly high in the market. And this estimation turned out to be true, due to its high health benefits Dragon fruit was increasingly becoming popular among people as a super-fruit, moreover cultivating it had many added advantages such as the requirement of less amount water for irrigation, and immunity to most types of pests.
As his area was extremely water scarce, all these factors became the deciding factor for choosing this fruit.
Growth of his business
At first, his entire family was a little unsure regarding Dragonfruit cultivation, because of this Tammaray started small with only 10 Gunta. But after experiencing good sales and profit, they decided to slowly expand the cultivation in their 2-acre land.
He now gets an annual turnover of Rs. 15-18 lakhs and is way more satisfied with his occupation compared to his previous job. Even though the initial amount of investment required to start this type of farming is high (4-5 lakhs) but it does not require much input afterward and promises good returns, which makes the investment worth it.
Tammaray is a man who believes in the idealogy of “never settle” which pushes him to thrive for excellence and satisfaction. We truly can learn a lot from him. It’s not easy to find a person with such a mindset in today’s world, where everyone is trying to play safe.
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